A series of cascades sent water tumbling from Festival Hall down Art Hill into the Grand Basin. These Cascades were colorfully lit at night. The floral beds and sculpture surrounding the Cascades added beauty.
The Cascades were so spectacular that Fair directors took the actions necessary to be sure that only clean water flowed over them--and this at a time when St. Louis' water was often muddy, not clear.
Bands and musicians at the Fair performed St. Louis composer Scott Joplin’s ‘Cascades’.
At Art Hill, the visitors who stand up above the Main Picture have the great pleasure of beautiful prospects from every point.
The Colonnade of States, stretching east and west from Festival Hall, is a part of the great architectural and landscape composition that crowns the ridge of Art Hill. Statues representing the fourteen states of the Louisiana Purchase are brought together here in two arms: Missouri is in the eastern arm.
All day long a great crowd stands about the foot of the Grand Basin near the statues, 'The Buffalo Dance', 'A Step to Civilization', 'The Cowboy at Rest', and 'The Peril of the Plans', getting from there an inspiring view of the Cascades and Festival Hall. The statues are the work of Solon Borglum and all typify phases of western life, both that of the Indians and of the pioneers. The designs of the Cascade Gardens floral beds are particularly plain in this view standing out in their varied colors. The rows of statues on either side of Festival Hall represent the states of the Louisiana Territory. The Buffalo Dancer represents two Indians going through the terrible movements of one of their wildest dances. The statue is full of the terror of the great plains and forests.
Water tumbled over the Cascades into the Grand Basin, the expanse of water between the palace of Electricity and Education, part of a lagoon system.
The Grand Basin was part of a lagoon system, with the lagoon to the south of the Grand Basin encircling the Palace of Education; that to the north encircling the Palace of Electricity.
The cascades from Festival Hall and part of the Terrace of the States can be seen.
The statuary, Cupids and Fish, and on either side of the fountain the two figures typifying Progress and Commerce and the Progress of Navigation are to be noted. The building in the background is the east pavilion occupied as a restaurant.
This is a remarkably close view of the headquarters of the main cascade, rising from an immense bowl up the side of Festival Hall, the edge of which can be seen at the top of the picture. The water, in its first plunge, falls 24 feet in foam and spray, then passes under a broad walk, and spreading out, flows more gently over the series of weirs to the Grand Basin. The volume gushing from this bowl amounts to 20,000 gallons every minute. The spray from it is carried across the walks in every direction with dampening realism. A walk under these falls enables visitors to look out into the water throughout the dark archway shown in the picture behind the water.
Isidore Konti's statue, Pacific Ocean, balancing another statue, Atlantic Ocean, similarly placed at the head of the west Cascade, is the most admired object in this picture, crowning as it does the fountain of the east Cascade. It is a gilded figure which glistens brilliantly in the sunlight against the east pavilion, its background. On either side are a Boy with Dolphin and a Girl with Petrel as flanking groups.