Every state building at the World's Fair is fitted up as a place of rest for visitors from the respective states, but none is truer to this ideal than the Ohio pavilion. Painted pure white, it looks out from among the trees in a way which attracts at first glimpse. It stands on Commonwealth Avenue opposite to the New York pavilion in one of the best locations on the grounds. It is 52 by 188 feet and cost $35,250. Porticoes and verandas on all sides offer cool resting places out-of-doors in addition to the luxurious room within.
Stereographs, early 3-dimensional photographs, captured views of the Fair buildings and events. A hand-held viewer invented by Oliver Wendall Holmes was used to look at the stereographs.
Two companies that came to dominate the business of stereograph publishing were Keystone View Company of Meadville, Pennsylvania and Underwood & Underwood. Both of them sold stereographs of the 1904 World's Fair.
'Liberal Arts' Day, celebrated by the exhibitors of that department of the World's Fair, was distinguished among other things by a great floral parade in which the prominent society people of St. Louis participated. This view shows the prize winning automobile passing along the Louisiana Way in front of the Louisiana Purchase Monument. The whole parade extended for a distance of three miles, including automobiles and all sorts of carriages. Noticeable statues on the base of the nomument is the group in front depicting the scene at the signing of the Louisiana Purchase treaty. The figure of a woman seated is called The Spirit of the Missouri River.
Machinery gardens lying between the palaces of Machinery and Transportation has beautiful flowers, as well as beautiful music. Although its name suggests only the big wheels and the chug, chug of piston rods, it has become famous as the home of the best band music at the Fair.
This beautifully decorated automobile,in the judgment of those who awarded the prize, possesses a sufficient number of superior points to be granted the first prize. The reviewing stand was at that corner of Manufactures building nearest the sunken garden. It was there that President Francis, Mayor Wells, Director Skiff, Mrs. Manning, together with several other prominent Exposition and city officials were grouped, when reviewing the beautiful parade. This view was made just as the auto was passing in review, and was made from the reviewing stand.
Second only to the Palace of Agriculture in size is the Palace of Transportation whose west entrance is shown in this view. It covered 15.6 acres and contained four miles of railroad track. The structure is distinguished by the great arches which form its entrances and the peculiar towers called pylons. Each of the arches is 64 feet wisde and 52 feet high. Great figures over the entrances and on either side of them represent the different kinds of transportation shown in the building. The flower beds in the foreground form the west end of the Machinery gardens. On the left a few of the ice floes which surround the concession known as New York to the North Pole, and in the distance through the trees is to be seen Battle Abbey on the Pike.
Forming a ring, as it were, of the beautiful sunken gardens, the Plaza of Orleans is very properly a place of floral beauty.
One of the big corps of gardeners is at work with his sprinkling pot. There is never a time in the day but that at least one, usually several, may be seen in the Plaza.
Here we have a view of the building in which all of the world's greatest Exposition was transacted. This massive building is the new main hall of the Washington University, and will be occupied by them immediately after the close of the fair. It is constructed of pink granite obtained from Missouri quarries and has trimmings of the famous Bedford limestone.
The large birdcage exhibit was built under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. It was part of the United States government's exhibits at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
Frank Baker, Superintendent of the National Zoo, designed the structure which cost $17,500 to construct.
The Smithsonian Institution wanted to move the birdcage to Washington, D.C. after the Fair. However the City of St. Louis purchased the birdcage for $3,500. Today it can be seen at the St. Louis Zoo in Forest Park.
The Cascade gardens and other parts of the World's Fair grounds appealed to the flower-loving visitors, both old and young, by a profusion of vivid foliage and blossoms beyond words to describe.
The Colonnade of States, stretching east and west from Festival Hall, is a part of the great architectural and landscape composition that crowns the ridge of Art Hill. Statues representing the fourteen states of the Louisiana Purchase are brought together here in two arms: Missouri is in the eastern arm.
Visitors to the Fair found the German government building on the east side of Art Hill in Forest Park. It was a reproduction of the central part of Frederick of Prussia's Charlottenburg Schloss. The beautiful dome atop the building contained a chime of bells that sounded at each hour. Inside the building were personal treasures of the German Emperor.
Every state building at the World's Fair is fitted up as a place of rest for visitors from the respective states, but none is truer to this ideal than the Ohio pavilion. Painted pure white, it looks out from among the trees in a way which attracts at first glimpse. It stands on Commonwealth Avenue opposite to the New York pavilion in one of the best locations on the grounds. It is 52 by 188 feet and cost $35,250. Porticoes and verandas on all sides offer cool resting places out-of-doors in addition to the luxurious room within.
Stereographs, early 3-dimensional photographs, captured views of the Fair buildings and events. A hand-held viewer invented by Oliver Wendall Holmes was used to look at the stereographs.
Two companies that came to dominate the business of stereograph publishing were Keystone View Company of Meadville, Pennsylvania and Underwood & Underwood. Both of them sold stereographs of the 1904 World's Fair.